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Legislative Agenda

The SCEA 2025 Legislative Agenda.
The SCEA Legislative Agenda 2025

The South Carolina Education Association (The SCEA) believes that a free, high quality public education is a right of every child. Public education serves as the backbone of our state in ensuring the health of our democracy, development of our economy, and strength of our communities. To ensure that all children in South Carolina receive the highest quality education, the SCEA recommends that the General Assembly abide by Article XI of the SC Constitution and pursue the following actions:

Ensure Equitable & Effective Education Funding

  1. Fully fund Public Schools
  2. Tax Abatement Reduction
  3. Fund the Outcome
  4. Prioritize the Classroom

Respect Educators as Professionals

  1. Provide Competitive Compensation
  2. Increase Unencumbered Time
  3. Reduce Burdensome Paperwork
  4. Produce a Fair and Equitable Contract
  5. Improve Teacher Recruitment & Retention Programs
  6. Trust Educators as Education Experts
  7. Provide comprehensive benefits

Provide an Education of Excellence

  1. Increase Learning Time
  2. Invest in Student and Educator Wellness
  3. Invest in School Safety
  4. Invest in Early Childhood Literacy

The detailed legislative agenda can be downloaded below or read by clicking here.

Teacher Pete Stone poses with a banjo
A collective group like The SCEA is a proven, trusted network to support you in the ability to step out there and say “This has to change,” and you won’t be stepping out alone.
Quote by: Pete Stone, Teacher
The SCEA members in the Statehouse

Your Voice Matters!

Contact your elected officials at any level on any issue. Use this link to find their contact information, including email, phone number, and even their Facebook or Twitter.
The South Carolina Education Association logo

Your Voice. Our Power. Their Future.

The SCEA is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA works to promote quality public education and to support public school employees.