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State Superintendent Candidates

The SCEA PAC recommends Lisa Ellis for the office of State Superintendent of Education.
The background is a picture of the Rutledge building, which house the South Carolina Department of Education. In front of that text says "The SCEA recommends Lisa Ellis for State Superintendent." Below to the left is The SCEA logo in red and blue. To the right of that is a headshot of Lisa Ellis smiling.

The SCEA recommends Lisa Ellis. To aid supporters of Public Schools in better understanding the positions of the Democratic and Republican candidates, The SCEA sent questionnaires to all candidates in the primary.

The SCEA's recommended candidate Lisa Ellis's questionnaire is outlined in the chart below. The other candidate Ellen Weaver did not respond or return the questionnaire.

We also encourage you to open Lisa's full responses below the chart.

Ellen Weaver - No Response

The SCEA President Sherry East recommends Lisa Ellis
“The choice for The SCEA members was clear. Lisa Ellis is an authentic advocate and ally to fight for students, families, and educators."
Quote by: Sherry East, President of The SCEA
The South Carolina Education Association logo

Your Voice. Our Power. Their Future.

The SCEA is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA works to promote quality public education and to support public school employees.