Lisa Ellis - Responses below
Educator Raises: If elected, will you support annual pay increases for all educators? Yes.
Support Staff Raise: Similarly, will you support annual pay raises for non - certified Educational Support Personnel (ESP), which include bus drivers, teacher's aides, clerical, food service, and custodial staff? Yes.
Educator Retirement: Some legislators have proposed that the educator pension (defined benefit) system be converted to a plan similar to 401K/403b-style (defined contribution). The change would convert educator retirement from a system that guarantees individuals a monthly income to a system that requires educators to invest individual funds subject to the performance of the stock market. Which type of retirement system do you support and why? How do you propose that the state rectify the growing pension fund deficit? The state retirement system should be a defined benefit. Employees should not have to worry about the volatility of the stock market. The General Assembly should convert it back. I do not know at this point how to solve the deficit. But I am sure there are experts who do.
Staffing Shortages: How do you propose that the state train, attract, and retain qualified educators? The state needs to increase salaries, add steps to the salary schedule, and propose a new salary schedule. The mandates need to be reviewed, and ineffective mandates need to be removed from teachers. We also need to innovate the teacher certification process.
Alternative Certification: Do you support alternative pathways to teaching certification? (Ex: Teach for America, PACE)? Yes.
Non-certified Educators: Do you support allowing noncertified individuals to teach? No.
Class Sizes: Current standard is 35-1 student/teacher ratio for high schools & 30-1 ratio for elementary schools. If elected, will you support smaller class sizes? Yes.
Unencumbered Time: Will you support providing teachers with guaranteed unencumbered/protected time every day? Yes.
Contracts: Will you support a teacher's right to give 30 days' notice and to be held harmless from breach of contract? Yes.
Testing: Do you support revamping, whether by reducing or eliminating, the high stakes testing regimen currently in place? Yes.
Safety: How do you propose to ensure safety in our schools for everyone? We need to provide wrap around services (mental health, social workers, more school counselors, psychologists, etc.) to help students before they reach the crisis stage.
Social-Emotional Learning: Do you support making an investment in programs and curriculum that encourages the development of social and emotional learning? Absolutely. This is part of teaching the whole child. Students need to be able to understand and label their emotions to function successfully in society.
Vouchers: What is your position on vouchers and tuition tax credits for parochial/ private schools? Absolutely no. Public funds need to stay with public entities!
Charter Schools: What is your position on charter schools in South Carolina? We need to provide opportunities for all students. If a student can be successful in a public, charter, then we have to give them the opportunity
School Funding: What do you believe is the most equitable way to fund South Carolina's public schools? What is your perspective on and solutions for the rural/ urban funding gap in South Carolina? The state has to make up the funding that the locals can’t.
Early Literacy Programs: Do you support state funding for expanded early intervention literacy programs? Yes.
Vocational Education: Do you support an expansion of our state's vocational education system? Yes.
Please elaborate on why or why not and how it should be accomplished.
We need to offer every student an opportunity to be successful as an adult. Vocational education is a crucial part of that.
Please feel free to share any additional information that you believe would assist The SCEA in its evaluation of your candidacy.
If elected, my # 1 goal would be to recruit and retain high quality school staff for students. We have to get teachers back to the classroom.