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The SCEA members in the Statehouse

Elections have consequences. That's why we must elect champions of public education.

The SCEA is leading the way. We are the strongest force for public education and democracy in South Carolina.

Election Information

In 2024, South Carolinians will determine who is elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives, the South Carolina Senate, and many school board and other local races. 

Voting for pro-public education candidates at the state and local level is one of the most effective ways to stand up for public schools.

Check your voter registration

Register to vote today

Ways to vote

  • Be registered
    • You must register by Sunday, October 6 to vote in the General Election. Applications submitted online, by fax, or by email must be received by 11:59 p.m. on October 6.
      • The last day to register in person is Friday, October 4. Go to your county board of elections office. 
      • Mailed applications will be accepted if postmarked by Monday, October 7.
    • Make sure your voter registration is current by checking your registration information at
      • If you have moved from one county to another, you must register in your new county to be eligible to vote.
      • If you’ve moved within your county or changed your name recently, update your information before Election Day to help ensure a smoother voting experience.
  • Voting in person on Election Day. The General Election will be Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls open from 7am until 7pm. Note if you are in line by 7 o'clock, you have the right to vote. Find your polling place!
  • Absentee voting: You can request an absentee ballot application now until 5:00 p.m. on October 25! Learn more about absentee voting here.
  • Early, in-person voting: Any voter can vote early at any early voting center in their respective county starting Monday, October 21 until Saturday, November 2. (note: there will be no early voting Sunday, October 27.)
    • Early voting centers are open 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. during the early voting period.during the early voting period. Go to an early voting center in your county, present your Photo ID, and vote using the voting system like you would at your polling place on Election Day. Learn about early voting here.

Know before you vote

Sample Ballot: Sample ballots will become available 45 days out from an election. Click here to access your personal sample ballot.

Photo ID - When voting in person, you will be asked to show one of the following Photo IDs at your polling place:

Dr. Clifford Lee
We need to make sure that we speak up and speak out . . . show that we are unafraid to use our expertise and inform them.
Quote by: Dr. Clifford Lee, Teacher


The SCEA Fund for Children & Public Education (The SCEA FCPE) is a Political Action Committee (PAC) established and funded by members of The SCEA to recommend and support public education champions for local, state, and federal office.  No dues dollars enter the PAC and all donations made to the PAC are voluntarily made by members of The SCEA.

The PAC recommendation process is member-driven, and candidates running for The SCEA-PAC-recommended office have the opportunity to seek the recommendation of the The SCEA-PAC.

Candidates seeking the The SCEA-PAC recommendation engage with members in a number of ways, including the completion of a candidate questionnaire, and participating in a question and answer session with members during the The SCEA-PAC screening interviews.

South Carolina House of Representatives

*our Board is still reviewing candidates to recommend.

South Carolina Senate

*our Board is still reviewing candidates to recommend.


Your Voice. Our Power. Their Future.

The SCEA is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA works to promote quality public education and to support public school employees.