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NEA Activity

Education for Peace – Learn from history and how to foster a peaceful and just society

Educator Resources – Learning from the past, standing up to hatred and intolerance, and fostering peace in our communities begins with an honest, holistic, and just education.
gifted and talented students of color
Published: March 28, 2022
This resource originally appeared on


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum provides a wealth of information and resources for educators, including lesson plans, professional events, and other teaching resources on this topic. The World Holocaust Remembrance Center also compiled educational resources for educators to use in their classrooms.


The Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims: Addressing Islamophobia through Education are jointly developed by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the Council of Europe, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to support educators in countering intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. These guidelines are applicable for primary and secondary education and a broad audience. 


The University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation offers free resources for educators with dynamic classroom materials and professional development programs. Educators and students also have access to the foundation’s collections of testimonies, documenting the Holocaust, the Cambodian Genocide, Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Armenian Genocide, the Guatemalan Genocide, the Nanjing Massacre, Anti-Rohingya Mass Violence, Northern Syria, and contemporary Antisemitism.


Learning for Justice provides a wealth of information on various social justice topics, including ready-to-use classroom lessons, professional development resources for educators, and publications. Check out a featured religion resource, Expelling Islamophobia.

The World Jewish Congress, together with UNESCO, provided the world with the basic Facts About the Holocaust. Learn about the facts and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to counter antisemitism, racism, and other forms of intolerance.

NEA supports Education International’s (EI) efforts in supporting its member organizations in Israel and Palestine, as they defend human and workers’ rights and promote dialogue involving civil society as the path to ensure progress and alleviate the suffering of people. Please read the EI Congress Statement and the most recent EI Executive Board statement for details.

The Bridge Initiative, a multi-year research project housed in Georgetown University, has a searchable collection of educational materials and daily headlines on Islamophobia, including factsheets, infographics, reports, educational videos, and current news

The National Council for the Social Studies has published resources and lessons for educators regarding Genocide, femicide, ethnic cleansing, and other human rights violations.

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