Virtue of the Month
Each month, the school spotlights one virtue, selected in advance by a school committee. No hard and fast rules, but they tend to look for good fits. "For September, when school is just starting, it might be Responsibility. For February, it might be Friendliness. We try to tie it in with something going on that month," Roehrig says.
In the first week of the month, all the students gather in the auditorium for a 15-minute presentation focusing on the given virtue. Staff members perform skits or sing and dance. "We try to make them fun," Roehrig says. "And we try to show what a virtue looks like. We might show what the virtue doesn't look like first. The kids love to see adults misbehave. Then, we demonstrate the virtue in the right way."
Throughout the month, classes examine the virtue more deeply. Teachers ask the students to talk about what that virtue means to them. Students make posters and other displays to communicate the virtue through art. Staff members place a banner in each hallway and one at the entrance to the school proclaiming "The Virtue of the Month is ____." When the month is over, the banner is posted in the cafeteria, so at year's end you can see all the virtues covered during the year.