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NEA Professional Learning

ESP Rights and Respect: How to Build a Strategic Campaign

Learn how NEA members, staff, and leaders have partnered to build a strategic campaign to increase ESP visibility, rights, and respect.
photo of NEA members in an audience smiling and listening to a speaker
Published: November 14, 2023
This resource originally appeared on

At a Glance

Hear from three state affiliates—Massachusetts, Maryland, and Illinois—on how they built their campaign from the ground up, what successes and challenges they faced, and what resources and strategies they have for affiliates seeking to engage in their own campaign.


  • Get the tools to start a state-wide campaign for ESPs
  • Advocate for fair pay, benefits, and professional respect


Session Length

1.5 hours

Session Format


Join us for the third webinar in this series on Monday, November 27. Illinois ESP leaders will be presenting on their RESPect Campaign. Sign up through the form below! If you have already signed up for this webinar series, no further action is needed to register.

If you want to view the recording or materials from our previous two webinars from Maryland and Massachusetts, you may access them in our EdCommunities Group: “NEA ESP Bill of Rights.” Note: This is a members-only site and you must create an account to log in.

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