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NEA Event

Creating a Culture of Inclusion in Schools and Communities

NEA will be hosting “Creating a Culture of Inclusion in Schools and Communities,” a 90-minute virtual presentation with award-winning documentarian Dan Habib and his son Samuel. Filmmaker and parent-advocate, Dan will screen clips from his many film projects and discuss what it takes to create a culture of inclusion in our schools and communities. His films vividly document evidence-based practices, such as universal design for learning, assistive technology, positive behavioral supports, family engagement, youth leadership, and cultural responsiveness. Samuel, who was featured in his father’s seminal 2008 film Including Samuel, will share the film he co-directed with his father, My Disability Roadmap, and discuss his advocacy for inclusion in his school district, college, and community and his plan for a full adult life.
Published: June 16, 2023
This resource originally appeared on

Event Overview

Dates and Times

  • Monday, July 3, 2023
    6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)




  • Convention Center Room WF3

Speak Up For Students and Public Schools

When we act together and lift our voices together in unison, we can improve the lives of children.
An illustration of a girl with butterfly wings and a bullhorn. She has a speech bubble that says, "Our power is stronger than fear!

Respect, Reflect, and Protect SC Students!

Only The SCEA has toolkits to help you understand the issues and defend the civil rights of all students.
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Your Voice. Our Power. Their Future.

The SCEA is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA works to promote quality public education and to support public school employees.