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Budget Update & Voting Information

Conference committee gives teacher raise recommendation
A calculator with the word "budget" on the screen appears next to the words "The SCEA Budget update"

On Friday, June 10th the conference committee on the budget bill met and discussed their recommendations on the budget. These recommendations will be voted on when the House & Senate reconvene on Wednesday, June 15th. 

The committee was charged with either recommending the House or Senate recommendation on educator raises. The House recommended that the minimum teacher salary be raised to $40,000 and to add $4000 to each cell of the state's minimum salary schedule, while Senate recommended a raise to $38,000. 

Due to the hard work and advocacy of The SCEA and advocates like you, the conference committee is recommending the higher of the two proposals!

Educators in approximately 2/3 of South Carolina's school districts will be guaranteed a raise, as these districts will be obligated to raise their pay to the new minimum on the state salary schedule. 

While this is a step in the right direction, The SCEA believes all educators and school staff deserve a raise and will continue to fight for the professional pay and working conditions you deserve!

Only The SCEA uses the power of collective voice to advocate for higher salaries and improved working conditions. 


Right now, during The SCEA’s early enrollment period, you can be part of the transformative movement for the change you deserve and pay no dues until September.

Remember to Vote in the June 14th Primary!

The SCEA Votes
Elections have consequences. That's why we must elect champions of Public Education to deliver on our fight for better pay and working conditions!


If you haven't yet voted, you will vote on Tuesday, June 14

The primaries will determine which candidates appear on November’s general election ballot for Governor, state Superintendent of Education, U.S. Senate, seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and other statewide races.

The SCEA has launched The SCEA Votes web site to help you exercise your right to vote! 

You can get information on:

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Your Voice. Our Power. Their Future.

The SCEA is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA works to promote quality public education and to support public school employees.